150 Bridges

We Want to Help

Team of Volunteers
Healthcare Professionals
with Communities


In the 1990s, a British anthropologist, Dr. Robin Dunbar, suggested that there is a “cognitive limit to the number of individuals with whom any one person can maintain stable relationships.” The number of meaningful relationships he believes one person can have is roughly 150. This is a large number, yet many people go through life not having even one connection with a medical professional that they trust.

At 150 Bridges, we want to help bridge that gap. We understand that healthcare professionals want to help people. However, the system they work in tends limit developing a deep connection with communities. By connecting community-based organizations with specialized healthcare volunteers, we hope that meaningful connections are created, which will help improve healthcare access and trust in the medical field.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where healthcare expertise knows no boundaries, where medical professionals can effortlessly lend their skills to underserved communities locally and around the globe. We envision a future where healthcare volunteerism becomes a transformative force in addressing health disparities and empowering individuals to lead healthier lives.

Connecting Compassionate Experts

150 Bridges is a healthcare-oriented volunteer match platform that connects compassionate medical professionals with community-based organizations in need of specialized services and advice. We understand that healthcare expertise is a valuable resource that can significantly impact the lives of those in need. Therefore, we have created an platform that leverages technology to streamline the connection process, making it effortless for healthcare volunteers to share their skills and knowledge.

Empowering Communities through Skilled Volunteerism

We are passionate about empowering communities through skilled volunteerism. We aim to make it simple for healthcare professionals to find meaningful volunteering opportunities aligned with their specialties, interests, and schedules. Whether it's offering medical advice, conducting virtual workshops, or engaging in preventive care initiatives, every contribution counts in creating healthier and stronger communities.

A Global Reach with Local Impact

With technology as our ally, we break geographical barriers, allowing healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds and locations to make a difference in communities worldwide. Our focus is on bringing local impact to the forefront, addressing the specific healthcare needs of each community we serve.

Join Us in Building Healthier Futures

We invite medical professionals and community-based organizations to join us on our journey of building healthier futures together. By becoming a part of 150 Bridges you will be part of a global network of compassionate experts determined to make a positive change in the lives of those in need.

Together, We Thrive

At 150 Bridges, we firmly believe that together, we thrive. Join us in creating a world where healthcare professionals' dedication and expertise transcend boundaries, leaving a legacy of improved healthcare, empowered communities, and brighter futures for all.

Let's make a difference, one volunteer hour at a time.

We Want to Become Obsolete

Once we connect an organization with a volunteer, we will work to support that relationship.

However, every community is different and the relationship needs to build to fit those needs.

As a result, we play a purely supportive role until we are no longer needed.

Our Goals

Our primary goal is to connect volunteers from the medical field with community focused organizations. The goals of that relationship are up to the volunteers and the organizations and we will help to provide support where we can. However, we have listed some goals that we hope are shared by the parties we work with.

Expand Access to Healthcare Services

Facilitate the participation of healthcare professionals in underserved communities, thereby increasing access to essential healthcare services for vulnerable populations.

Empower Communities Through Health Education

Engage healthcare volunteers in health education initiatives to empower individuals with knowledge and promote proactive health practices within communities.

Expand Global Reach

Explore opportunities to connect healthcare professionals with organizations on an international scale, promoting cross-border collaborations to address global health challenges.

Address Health Disparities

Prioritize collaborations that target regions and communities with limited access to healthcare resources, working to reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes.

Foster Sustainable Partnerships

Establish long-term and sustainable partnerships between healthcare professionals and community-based organizations to ensure continuous support and impact.

Promote Preventive Care Initiatives

Support preventive care efforts by mobilizing medical experts to focus on early detection, disease prevention, and health promotion.

Measure and Share Impact

Implement a robust impact assessment framework to measure the effectiveness of healthcare volunteering efforts and share success stories with stakeholders to inspire further engagement.

Build Trust and Credibility

Prioritize transparency, accountability, and ethical practices to build trust among volunteers, organizations, and the communities served.

We are Completely Volunteer Run Program

We will never ask for donations

We will never share your information

except to make connection between organizations and the volunteers they need.

A Few Ideas

While we don't run any programs ourselves, we think there are a few ways healthcare professionals can be utilized as volunteers to support the community. Many of these can be done remotely if needed and would be respectful with regards to healthcare practices and the availability of the healthcare professional.


Health screening events to assess and identify health risks within the community, promoting early detection and prevention


Engage in health education programs to raise awareness about preventive measures, disease management, and healthy lifestyle choices.


Telehealth consultations to patients who may have limited access to healthcare facilities, helping address minor medical concerns remotely.


Organize Health Workshops: Organize workshops on health topics, targeting specific health concerns within the community.


Sit down with patients to help explain their diagnoses more and what they may need to ask their primary doctor more about.


Mentor aspiring medical professionals by providing guidance and support through mentorship programs or academic institutions.


In-person or Virtual community health fairs where doctors can offer medical advice, answer health-related questions, and distribute educational materials.


Develop and share educational materials, articles, or videos that educate the public on health topics and medical conditions.


Contribute to health policy discussions and advocate for initiatives that prioritize access to quality healthcare for all.


Organize a telehealth mission trip where volunteers bring tablets and computers to remote areas and set up a free telehealth clinic.

The Process is at Your Speed

We can't promise that when we connect two parties a strong connection will immediatly form.

But over time, with consistent effort, even a small bridge can be a reliable one.

We will do what we can to make this happen.


Feel free to email us at info@150bridges.com
We're here to help! Our dedicated team is eager to assist you in any way we can. Whether you're a healthcare professional ready to lend your skills or a community-based organization seeking support, feel free to reach out to us. We value your feedback and are committed to making your volunteering experience a meaningful and rewarding one.